The number 7 holds significant cultural and historical importance in various societies, including China. In Chinese culture, the number 7 is considered auspicious and has deep roots in ancient history, folklore, and traditional beliefs.

SG Futurist
2 min readJun 22, 2023

Here are a few reasons why the number 7 is considered important in Chinese culture:

Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches: The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. There are ten Heavenly Stems and twelve Earthly Branches, and when combined, they form a 60-year cycle. The number 7 represents a Heavenly Stem, and it is associated with yang energy, which is considered powerful and positive.

Seven Stars of the Big Dipper: The Big Dipper, a prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere, has seven stars. In Chinese mythology, these stars are associated with the seven sons of the deity Doumu, who are considered guardians and protectors. The Big Dipper is often associated with luck, fortune, and guidance.

Seven Treasures: In ancient China, there were seven treasures that symbolized wealth, power, and prosperity. These treasures included gold, silver, pearls, agate, crystal, coral, and lapis lazuli. The number 7 became associated with abundance and good fortune.

Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove: The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove were a group of renowned scholars and poets during the Jin Dynasty (265–420 CE). They were known for their unconventional lifestyles, rejection of societal norms, and pursuit of intellectual and artistic pursuits. The number 7 became associated with wisdom, individuality, and freedom of expression.

Seven Colors of the Rainbow: The rainbow, with its seven distinct colors, has cultural significance in many societies, including China. In Chinese mythology, the rainbow is believed to be a celestial bridge connecting heaven and earth, and it represents harmony, balance, and unity.

Seven Emotions and Seven Virtues: Traditional Chinese culture recognizes seven emotions (joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate, and desire) and seven virtues (kindness, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness, loyalty, and filial piety). The number 7 symbolizes the complexity of human emotions and the importance of cultivating virtuous behavior.



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